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Well-being II


Whatever harmony in life means to you, you will discover and experience its essence at this conference.

Linda Pettit

Kat Černá

Kateřina Fišerová




Experience mental well-being for yourself in a lecture or workshop

Do you want to end the constant stress and start living in peaceful harmony with life? We will give you instructions on how to do it in just one day.

This day will be a turning point for you if you want to put an end to constant stress and start living in harmony. You will learn how to do it.


Prague, Kaiserstein Palace

Do you long to feel harmony in your life permanently?

Have you tried different techniques, but it still doesn't feel right

Maybe like most people you are looking for methods and techniques to experience harmony and inner peace more often. It's just that when we try to create peace in our mind, we can't help but keep thinking about it. So while we try to calm our minds, we find that they are in turn becoming more and more clear.

When our mind is free from limiting ideas, it is pure and open to the direct experience of life. Only then are we able to see it with fresh eyes and be in harmony with it.

At the conference with the amazing psychologist and coach, Dr. Linda Pettit from the USA and co-founders of the public benefit organization Understanding the Mind and transformative coaches Kat Cerna and Katerina Fischer, you will learn how to be in harmony with life based on the awareness of 3 simple principles of how the world works and also what is the difference between the approach of psychotherapists and transformative coaches to mental health and well-being.


In recent years, there has been increasing talk in the personal development field of a paradigm shift from psychotherapy and psychology to more effective forms. One of these is transformative coaching. This approach is based on the teachings of Sydney Banks, who defined three basic principles that are key to understanding how ideas and identification with them affect our experience of the world and ourselves.

Instead of dealing with the past and exploring traumas and problems, it focuses on the present and what thoughts and experiences are affecting us right now. Transformative coaching helps people discover and unleash their inner potential so they can achieve deeper understanding and transformation.

By understanding the workings of one's own mind, one becomes aware of how the world works based on principles. They will understand the system. And this will set him free. He can live his life in harmony because he is not unconsciously going against the principles of how life works.

You can see an example of transformative coaching in practice in one of the workshop.

Yes, It's Simple, But Not Exactly Easy.

Come and experience the principles for yourself in the interactive workshops we have prepared with transformative coaches before the conference itself.

You're thinking, I want to learn more about this now?

Read the following summary of principles based on the book Coming Home.

3 principles according to Syd Banks

Our body is an amazing example of an intelligent system that is controlled by the power of the mind. Just as the mind creates and controls our physical system, it also creates and controls our mental system. It constantly and endlessly generates new thoughts and feelings associated with our ever-changing experience. Since we have free will, we can decide which thoughts to bring into being.

If we understand these universal principles, we are not at odds with reality - we are not going against ourselves, we are not getting in the way of ourselves - we are in harmony with life.

1. principle


The Thought Principle is the force behind life that creates the complete range of human experience.

We live in a world of ideas. Nothing we experience, from the moment we are born to the moment we die, has been brought to life by anything other than the power of thought. Our thoughts are therefore the basic building blocks upon which we create our experiences.

2. principle


Consciousness is what enables us all to be aware of life.

Beyond thinking is the open space of silent awareness, or what we call the Principle of Consciousness. The Principle of Consciousness is associated with the human soul. The Latin word for soul is 'anima', which is the root of the word animation. So we can say that consciousness animates our thoughts and translates them into sensory experiences that make us aware of life.

3. principle


Mind is the source of all life and the intelligence behind life.

Mind is the intelligence that knows how to create all living systems and how to control these systems. In nature, it shows the flower how to unfold and turn towards the sun. It knows how to turn sunlight into energy from which the flower will grow. He knows how to bring salmon back to the right spawning place, and he guides birds in their annual migration.

Want to learn more about Sydny Banks' groundbreaking insight? Play the recordings.


from 10:00


What do harmony and health have in common? You will find out in the open zone of the Art of Being Healthy project.

Umění být zdráv

from 10:00


10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m


You can choose from several workshops at the same time. You can look forward to the topics:

How to trust yourself more

Kat černá

We listen with our hearts

Kateřina Fišerová

Effective business communication

Robert Rott

Happy school

Jana Bolková

The art of being healthy

Jan Vojáček

Free Transformative Coaching Samples

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


2:30 p.m.


Picking up headphones for interpretation.

3:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


Simultaneous translation into Czech ensured.


People often strive for harmony in their lives. But is this condition permanent? If we try too hard at something, it costs us too much energy. Let's go one level higher - live life in harmony...

Psychologist and coach Linda Pettit will show you how, along with two transformative coaches from Understanding the Mind, Kat Černá and Kateřina Fišerová.

Dr. Linda pettit

kat černá

Kateřina Fišerová



Linda Pettit, Kat Černá and Kateřina Fišerová

Linda pettit

"I have 50 years experience as a writer, 40 years as a psychologist and 20 years as a spiritual teacher. My work is amazing - I have never felt more focused and energized. I will listen to you with presence, compassion and understanding. I will inspire you and show you how to awaken pure love within yourself."

Linda inspires women to rediscover divine wisdom. Nearly twenty years ago, she stumbled upon an understanding of the connection between psychology and spirituality called The Three Principles by Sydney Banks that made love accessible, simple, logical and attainable.

Understanding the Three Principles brought Linda a sense of security, freedom from anxiety and the courage to unleash her power to create. She has dedicated her life to sharing this understanding. She loves helping women of all ages because she knows that love is the answer to every question. Linda's diverse career includes journalism, public relations, corporate communications, community mental health, private psychological practice, academia and university administration. She is now a published author.

Kat černá

"I'm Kat, a transformative coach. I work in Understanding the Mind and beyond.

I love to lead webinars and workshops because I love to explore how we function. To see the pattern behind it all, the pattern that we all operate by, is just great. I see that when people understand the system of how our minds work, they find it easier to navigate through life and live. I love working with children and adults.

I see the importance of understanding each other so that we can be kinder to each other. I also see that a lot of our behavior is learned, it's a habit. What I love about transformative coaching is the variability of what I can solve. Whether it's a medically given diagnosis or just a feeling of mental imbalance, or a desire to do something new, move somewhere, build something or understand something - all can be explored and answers found. From the right place. I have studied with Dr. Amy Johnson, Dr. Bill Pettit and Dr. Linda Pettit (Healers' clinic) and Michael Neill (SuperCoach Academy). I have been coaching for 6 years. This is my third year mentoring.

I look forward to seeing you and the opportunity to be "the one up front" with my mentor and role model, Dr. Linda Pettit. Her insights always push me further. "

Kateřina Fišerová

"I am a transformative coach and mentor. I was introduced to the three principles 11 years ago and since then I have been surprised by how extraordinarily beautiful and profound even the ordinary things in life can be. I am a co-founder of Understanding the Mind, z.s., a member of the Supervisory Board of the Happy Bohemia Foundation and above all a loving human being who has fallen under the spell of listening. True listening with the heart is a simple yet revolutionary way to fill life with kindness, presence, understanding, to be guided by wisdom and to feel connected to everyone and everything again."


October 4, 2023

from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Kaiserstein Palace

Malostranské nám. 23/37

110 00 Prague – Malá Strana

Get to know

Linda Pettit

Bill Pettit


UNDERSTANDING THE MIND - We are building a community of people who want to be happy and live in a happy country. All our actions and projects are aimed in this direction. We want a happier Czech Republic and Slovakia and we contribute to this by showing people that the happiness they seek is closer than they think.

THE ART OF BEING HEALTHY - At UBZ, we help you understand the basic principles of health so that you can have more energy, joy and resilience in your life. We believe that through ourselves, we help shape a healthy environment for those around us. We know that health is our natural foundation and a quality life is possible for all.

Do you have questions or need to add something?

Write to Maruška: marie.brezinova@porozumenimysli.cz